We hold worship service at 10 am on Sunday mornings. Summer Worship June through First Sunday in September - 9:30 am
Our office hours are:
Parking can be found right off of Cass Avenue. Our back parking lot can be accessed by going through the gate or through our Union Street entrace behind the church. If coming to the church during the week or to use the Family Life Center, it is best to use the back parking lot via Union street. Handicapped parking is available in both lots.
We have handicapped parking in the back parking lot, access ramp at our back door,
covered drop off area, automatic door opener, an elevator that goes to all floors.
An accessible bathroom on the main floor and large print bulletins and hymnals.
Our greeters are available to assist you while in our building.
For Sunday worship at First Presbyterian Church of Mount Clemens, feel free to dress in whatever makes you most comfortable, from casual to semi-formal attire; all are welcome here..
When you enter the church from either the front or back entrance, you will be greeted by members of our Deacon Board.
If it is your first time, they will ask for your name and if you wish you can give them further contact information along with a welcome bag.
Our greeters would be happy to show you to the sanctuary and parlor as well as give you a service booklet.
Anne Courtney
Terrie Hadel
Roz Runnels
Aubree Leitch
Deacon Class of 2025
Mary Jane Marino
Jon Ansley
Matt Sims
Deacon Class of 2026
Kyra Hickey
Beth Orrin
Deacon Moderators
Terrie Hadel
Beth Orrin
Our Team, along with others, are here to assist you in your faith journey. Please let us know how we can service you.
First Presbyterian is a member church of the Presbyterian Church USA. We are led by a representational form of government, whereby leaders, elected by the congregation, along with the pastor make decisions on behalf of the membership.
We believe that there is "one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6)
We believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, who is the head of the church.
In all things, we are guided by the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Confessions, and our Book of Order.
We believe that God is at work in the world, sustaining us, cooperating with us, and guiding our lives and human history itself through God's desired purposes. God does not create us and step back, leaving us alone. God, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit-is actively involved in our lives, working to accomplish God's intentions for us.
Presbyterians consider Baptism a sacrament. The water represents the cleansing of our sin and the new life of faith in Christ. In Baptism, the person becomes united with God and the faith community.
Presbyterians baptize infants, children, youth, and adults following a period of study. Baptism takes place during a worship service.
When infants or young children are baptized, the parents and guardians promise to raise the child to know Jesus Christ, with the hope that when the child is ready, they may profess their personal belief in Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior.
Presbyterians consider Holy Communion to be a sacrament. Holy Communion is served to the faith community the first Sunday of each month and on Holy Thursday. All people are welcome to receive the bread and the cup regardless of age, ability, membership, and belief.
In the Lord's Supper, we see the bread and cup, which are Christ's body and blood given as a sacrifice for our sins so that we might have forgiveness, reconciliation, and new life. The outward elements of the sacrament are signs of God's love, grace, and desire to bring us into a deeper relationship with God.
We value all human life from the youngest to the oldest. We believe that each of us has been beautifully and wonderfully made. We believe that God has blessed each of us with gifts and talents. It is thus our desire to encourage each person to live into their purpose in order to bring glory to our Creator. Whether you are seeking God for the first time or want to deepen your relationship with God, we want to help you wherever you are in your faith journey. So, come and see!
All people are invited to become members of our faith community. People become members either through baptism, profession of faith in Christ, reaffirmation of faith in Christ, or by transfer from another faith community. There is usually a period of study before being approved for membership by the Board of Elders (Session), followed by presentation during a worship service.
Contact the Pastor for more information.
The Presbyterian Church (USA), abbreviated PC(USA), is a mainline Protestant denomination based in Louisville, Kentucky with about 1.14 million members.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) differs from other mainline Christian churches by its government. Rather than a system of bishops, the Presbyterian Church government stresses the active, representational leadership of both ministers and church members.
Click here to learn more about the governing body of our denomination.
First Presbyterian Church of Mount Clemens is part of the Synod of the Covenant. This Synod includes 11 presbyteries and nearly 700 congregations throughout Michigan and Ohio (and small slices of Indiana, Kentucky, and Wisconsin).
The Synod Offices are located on the campus of Kirk in the Hills Presbyterian Church, 1340 W. Long Lake, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302.
First Presbyterian Church of Mount Clemens belongs to the Presbytery of Detroit. This Presbytery is the governing body that represents the 72 congregations of south-eastern Detroit.
The Presbytery of Detroit works to strengthen our congregations and to serve the needs of the communities of Detroit metro area and south-east Michigan. They are located at 17575 Hubbell Ave, Detroit, Michigan, 48235.
Their Mission:
Relying on the Holy Spirit, we follow God by unmasking idolatries in Church and culture, listening to the voices of peoples long silenced, empowering congregational vitality, confronting structural racism, and responding to systemic poverty.
Their Vision:
As the Presbytery of Detroit we commit ourselves to: Empowering collaborative community in service of Christ.
Session Class of 2024
Judi Armstrong, Worship and Music
Larry Huntington, Finance
Pat Politano, Personnel
Session Class of 2025
Ann Guldemond, CE
Judy Landuyt, CE
Daryl Martin, Nominating
Session Class of 2026
Mike Ball, Building, Property & Technology
Martha Fisher, Mission
Patty Lange, Memorial
Clerk of Session: Jane Ethier
Stay connected and inspired with our monthly newsletter, offering insights into church life, upcoming events, and stories of faith that uplift and guide our community.
Sunday Worship: 10 am
Summer Worship - June through First Sunday in September - 9:30 am
Office Phone: 1-586-465-0461
Office e-mail: office@fpcmtclemens.com