We here at First Presbyterian provide worship each Sunday and on special occasions that glorifies God. Our worship services are blended in that we use a variety of resources to enhance the worship experience so that each person can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in a deep and meaningful way. The music is performed with a variety of instruments such as piano, organ, drums, string, brass, and hand bells.
We sing a mix of songs that are both traditional and contemporary.
Those attending worship has a choice of sitting in pews or sitting in our parlor.
Join us for worship in person or on livestream.
See worship times below.
If you prefer a more informal service, you might want to try our praise service held the last Sunday of the month in the lower-level Fellowship Hall. The service features our praise band and singers.
Come as guest, leave as family!
Following the service, we post the recordings here for those who might have missed the livestream.
To be faithful is to be trustworthy and reliable, that what we say we will do. Faithfulness though is high risk because the faithful we are with small things; God will reward us with more.
God is good. All the time. Because God is good, we are called to be good in all aspects of our lives. The Holy Spirit encourages us in this effort.
Showing kindness to one another is a fruit that we are called to cultivate in our lives. this takes practice, practice, practice.
Patience is the fourth Fruit of the Spirit that we are called to cultivate. God has been patient with us, so we need to cultivate more patience with one another.
The third fruit of the Spirit is peace. Today we learn how to cultivate more peace in our lives with God and with one another.
How well are we doing in cultivating the fruit of the Spirit? Today we explore what cultivation looks like in terms of living a life of joy.
To be faithful is to be trustworthy and reliable, that what we say we will do. Faithfulness though is high risk because the faithful we are with small things; God will reward us with more.
Sunday Worship: 10 am
Summer Worship - June through First Sunday in September - 9:30 am
Office Phone: 1-586-465-0461
Office e-mail: office@fpcmtclemens.com